Thursday, September 07, 2006

Clean Air Rally

Hi Guys.

The "Right To Breathe Healthy Air" will be having their third rally this Saturday.

Here are the details:
EVENT: 3rd "Right To Breath Healthy Air Rally"
WHEN: Saturday, September 9, 2006 12-4pm
WHERE: N.W. lawn of the West L.A. Federal Building
11000 Wilshire Blvd and Veteran Ave, LA 90024
BRING: Signs and wear gas/construction masks if possible
-Option 1: Lot #36. One block N. of Wilshire blvd and Veteran Ave $6/day
-Option 2: Kinross lot #32. Across street from Lot #36, on Kinross $8/day
-Option 3: Gayley lot. Enter on Kinross, adjacent to Gayley. 2 bl. from Fed. Bldg.
(Do not park at Federal Building parking lot)

For more information, call or send email to:
Kathy Ornstiein @
and/or Google "chemtrails"

Donations appreciated for this cause
Please send to:
C/O KAthy Ornstein
1916 S. Holt Avenue #3
LA, CA 90035-2026
Other transportation and parking options include taking one of the many buses that run along Wilshire blvd or Westwood and get off at the Federal bulding stop or the stop at Wilshire and Westwood. And/or you may consider riding your bicycle to the event. Parking for bicycles can be found at poles along many of the streets at the Federal building, in addition to some bike racks on the federal building grounds.

I believe their may be some speaking events, and special VIP appearances to this event. Call Kathy to confirm

Other Upcoming Events:
- September 8, 2006 - 7pm: FREE community screening with presentations and Q&A of "Power Of Community: How Cuba Survived The Oil Crisis"(More Info...)

Related Posts:
- Toxic Skies
- Clean Air Good Life
- Air Pollution video new report

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica community forum

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