Saturday, December 16, 2006

AltCar Expo Caravan

This video taken December 8, 2006 in Santa Monica, of a caravan and mass of vehicles. everthing from bicycles, Segways, bicycles with electric assist motors to electric scooters, motorcycles, trikes, and car, and vans powered by electric motors. There were also various hybrid vehicles and vehicles powered by biofuels such as ethynol, biodiesel, and veggie oil. There were also a few micro cars present, that get over 100 miles per gallon, which can be fueled by gasoline or ethenol, such as Moonbeam, which was made from the chasis of a Honda Elite 150. The plans to build your own are online.

Partial List of vehicles in the Caravan
- Zap Car (Xebra)
- Skeuter electric bicycles and scooters ( Skeuter Website )
- Santa Barbar Electric Bicycle Company - Electric bicycles and scooters
- Meyers Motors - Electric car "Sparrow"
- MoonBeam - High MPH micro car (over 100 MPG)
- Organic Engines Pedicab with electric assist.
- Segway Human electric transporter
- Zenn Motor Company -- micro electric car
- Lightning Cycle Dynamics bicycles (with and without electric motor assist)
- EVT Elctric Scooters
- E-Max electric scooters
- Bike Friday bicycles

Note: If you know of more, please post them in the comments - Include a link for them if known, so they can be properly recognized. Thank you.

Related Posts:
- Santa Monica Bicycle Workshop(audio)
- Critical Mass(Santa Monica, CA)
- Dutch Message(video)
- Hannah On Bikes(video)
- CarLess Santa Monica(video news report)
- CarFree L.A.(video)

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Air Powered Vehicles community forum
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum

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