Saturday, May 12, 2007

Custom E-bikes

There is apparently a new electric bicycle manufacturer/retailer in Santa Monica. They are called "Vanguard Bicycles". The had a half page ad in the Santa Monica Daily Press in yesturday's ( May 11, 2007) ( see: PDF file) on page 10.

(NOTE: see Vanguard Bicycle in action on Youtube LINK)

On the ad the title read "Fully Customized Electric Hybrid Bicycles". And they described prices starting at $665 (see picture on the right. click on picture to enlarge).

It was interesting that next to the ad was an article titled "Old drivers balk at road testing". That is a carry on story about the dabate on the ability of people over 70 or 80 being fit to drive cars. And interestingly, electric bicycles may be a valuable alternative for people in their 70's and 80's to driving a car, not only because it would allow them to bike places that they may not have the physical ability to do so without the electric assist on these bikes. No driver's license is required.

Related Posts:
- Compare commute: E-bike v. Car (video)
- E-Bike Commuting Tips(video)
- "Man Motoring on Hybrid Bike"(news video report)

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum

1 comment:

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