Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hannah On Bikes

This video is a short video documentary on the Los Angeles "Bicycle Culture"(by Daryl Hannah), with lots of clips from the Los Angeles Critical Mass and other L.A. bike scene events/culture.

Anyone know what kind of bike she was riding? The bike with the big front basket and side panels on the rear wheel.

For more of her videos on other topics, see:

Daryl's message to you:
"if you Live in a major city join Critical Mass!"
"get a bike and ride it!!!"

Thanks Daryl, for helping to get the word out. (smile)

If you like this video, you may enjoy these other video documentaries on the Los Angeles bicycling and skating culture:
- Midnight Ridazz(Part 1)
- Midnight Ridazz(Part 2)
- When Skaters and Cyclists take over the Freeway
(The day cars were banned from the 110 Freeway in
Los Angeles)
- CarFree L.A.(living in LA without a car)
- Shot Callers (about the San Fernando Valley SFV bike club)

Related Posts:
- CarFree L.A. (video)
- Revenge of the Ped (humor)
- "Motoring on a Hybrid Bike"(video news report)

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum

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