Friday, April 18, 2008

E-Scooter Delivery

I spotted this truck ("Green Truck") on Arizona and 4th street during the Santa Monica Farmer's market. Then recently saw an article about them in in magazine. Just saw this video (see below) which they state that in addition to running their truck on veg oil (or biodiesel?) that they also provide a food delivery service via electric scooters which are powered by solar panels at their commissary in Culver City. What do you think?

"At Green Truck, serving healthy, gourmet food in a fast and efficient way is not enough. Green Truck believes that a healthy environment is tantamount to living a healthy life. Green Truck has taken every measure to ensure that food is good for customers and the planet. This process starts with the use of only certified organic ingredients & buying locally grown ingredients whenever possible. The Green Truck is solar powered & all cleaning products are environmentally friendly. The Green trucks run off of vegetable oil previously used by our company and other food service companies in the Los Angeles area. All food packaging containers, bags, napkins, and utensils are made from biodegradable products rather than plastics and Styrofoam. At Green Truck, the health of the people and the planet is the bottom line."

Related Post:
- AltCar Expo kick off caravan (video)
- Reese Witherspoon on Delivery scooter
- Ebike/E-scooter public parking/charging stations
- Believe The Hype (electric scooters in Santa Monica)
- Electric Scooter racing
- E-Bikes Make Sense
- CVC 406
- Green Machines


  1. The scooter are very useful specially when there are traffic jump. I hater to drive my car in this days. But the scooter is a great alternative, although is necessary to be careful. Actually i visited a beautiful country and approached
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    and i rode an scooter all the time, it was really fantastic.

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