Friday, April 25, 2008

Bicycle Hit/Dragged by Bus

Bicycle run over and dragged by bus
Duration: 00:58Recorded: 17 August 2007Location: Canada

Amsterdam, City of Bikes!

Experience Amsterdam on a bicycle. Visit to watch more high-quality travel videos from Amsterdam and around the world!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Women and Bikes

This videos illustrate some ideas on why women like to ride bicycles.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bicycle Skyscraper

This video appears to be a news clip about a public bicycle parking tower in Japan(Kasai train station, Edogawa, Tokyo, Japan). It is automated and apparently can retrieve a bike about 22 seconds. This is like the "Bike Tree" on steroids. I wonder if it may be possible to rig up some kind of charging system? or perhaps to have some of the spots set up for charging electric bicycles (ebikes). Or perhaps could it accommodate extra long bikes such as bikes use the Xtracycle back end or tandems). I suppose tricycles and tall bikes will have to find parking else where.

What do you think of this parking system? It seems that it would virtually eliminate theft issues, enhance quantity of bikes that can be parked in a space, provide shelter for bikes from the weather, and many other things. Anyone got more info about this facility? Please email me directly or post in the comments section. Thanks!

Using Google "Japanese to English" translator, the video description says "Edogawa, Tokyo Tokyo underground bicycle made of bicycle parking in front of the station. Cam accommodate the number of units in 9400, the total construction cost of 7 billion yen ..."

Other reports on this story:
- "High Tech Bicycle Parking Facility In Tokyo"(Japan Probe)
- "Japanese Multi-Level Bicycle Parking"(Gizmodo)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Air Powered Bike

See Video clip of this compressed air bike as seen on Planet Mechanic (a program on National Geographic) below.

Via Motorcycle News
"An inventor has created what he claims is the world’s first motorcycle powered by fresh air.

Jem Stansfield says his converted Puch moped produces cleaner air than found in many town and city centres and so can actually reduce pollution.

“It actually fires out cleaner air,” said 37-year-old Stansfield, who used to be a sheep herder.

The University of Bristol aeronautics graduate fitted the Puch with high pressure carbon fibre air cylinders used by fire fighters as breathing apparatus in burning buildings.

The cylinders power two rotary air engines which in turn drive the chain to the rear wheel.

Unlike electric scooters, it takes just seconds to recharge from larger air tanks filled by a diving compressor.

With a top speed of 18mph and a range of just seven miles between air top-ups, Stansfield admits it’s never going to be good for trans-continental touring. But hesaid: “You could definitely run a fleet of delivery bikes on it.”

TV presenter Stansfield built the scooter for a National Geographic channel documentary, Planet Mechanics.

Viewers can see him test ride it in Bristol when the programme is aired on June 3 at 6pm."

Recommended Links:
- via
- Air Powered Vehicles community forum

E-Scooter Delivery

I spotted this truck ("Green Truck") on Arizona and 4th street during the Santa Monica Farmer's market. Then recently saw an article about them in in magazine. Just saw this video (see below) which they state that in addition to running their truck on veg oil (or biodiesel?) that they also provide a food delivery service via electric scooters which are powered by solar panels at their commissary in Culver City. What do you think?

"At Green Truck, serving healthy, gourmet food in a fast and efficient way is not enough. Green Truck believes that a healthy environment is tantamount to living a healthy life. Green Truck has taken every measure to ensure that food is good for customers and the planet. This process starts with the use of only certified organic ingredients & buying locally grown ingredients whenever possible. The Green Truck is solar powered & all cleaning products are environmentally friendly. The Green trucks run off of vegetable oil previously used by our company and other food service companies in the Los Angeles area. All food packaging containers, bags, napkins, and utensils are made from biodegradable products rather than plastics and Styrofoam. At Green Truck, the health of the people and the planet is the bottom line."

Related Post:
- AltCar Expo kick off caravan (video)
- Reese Witherspoon on Delivery scooter
- Ebike/E-scooter public parking/charging stations
- Believe The Hype (electric scooters in Santa Monica)
- Electric Scooter racing
- E-Bikes Make Sense
- CVC 406
- Green Machines

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Blood Car

If you are looking for a horror/gore film to see for Earth Day, you might want to see "Blood Car". It may satisfy your thirst for blood and gore on the big screen, while at the same time displaying a less obvious message about why there is an "Earth Day".

Here is a trailer for the movie:

See you at the Earth Day festival on the 3rd Street promenade this Saturday(April 12, 2008), from 10am-7pm. (see: ). It's free. And there will be many exhibitors, at least one stage with live entertainment, and other things happening.

Blood Car info from Wiki:
Directed by Alex Orr
Produced by Jon Swindall
Written by Adam Pinney
Alex Orr
Starring Mike Burne
Anna Chlumsky
Katie Rowlett
Editing by Jon Swindall
Adam Pinney
Release date(s) 2007
Country United States
Language English

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Stupidest Bike Lane?

Andy Bowers of SlateV makes a video of what he refers to as the "The Stupidest Bike Lane?". It's in Westwood (West Los Angeles). And it's a little less than a block long.

Key words: Shortest Bicycle Lane, Wierd bike lane, Wierdest bike lane