Friday, November 30, 2007

iZip Ebike

This is a video from Alt Car Expo. interview with a rep from Currie Technologies

In the interview, it was disclosed that the currie bike was being ridden from Santa Monica over the Santa Monica pass to the San Fernando Valley by the owner of Currie.
That bike is prices at $2000. The other Izip bike is priced at $1600.

In the video below is an expose on the Izip bike. However, the description give on the type of motor, I believe, is incorrect. The Izip is using an electric hub motor, not a motor attached to the crank, as he stated.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pacific Blue

In this clip from "Pacific Blue", SMPD bike patrol officer does a fancy bike trick. NICE!

Bike chase from Pacific Blue.

Intro to Pacific Blue.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mobylette Electrique

This is a video from France of a guy and his Mobylette gas moped that was retrofitted to be a fully electric powered moped.

If you know of others like this send me the info, or post the info in the comments. Thanks!

Video description:
Ouf ! Pépé est là pour sauvegarder les campagnes, sa nouvelle mobylette est très écologique. Pourvu que ça dure !

Related Posted:
- Ebike Public Charging Stations
- Moped Trailers

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

Sharing Roads

This is one of the most comprehensive, educational, "Share The Road" video I have seen. They discuss what it means to "Share the Road", How motorists and bicyclists are expected to use the roads, including roads with bicycle lanes.

Related Posts:
- Santa Monica Bicycle Workshop(audio file)

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum

Bike Happenning

In SLO (AKA San Luis Obispo, CA), they have a critical mass of sorts. It could even be called a "midnight ridazz" of sorts.
What may appear to be a crowd of crazed, out of control cyclists is actually an organized group of law abiding bike enthusiasts.

However, up in SLO, what I consider the current reigning champ in bicycle friendliness in California, they call it their monthly "Bike Happening".

In this video taken from the winter holiday "Bike Happenning", you see two, three, and four wheel (I think), human powered bikes all decked out with color, twinkly
"We're not a protest, we're a seduction. We want you to have some fun and come and join us. We obey the laws and we stay in close touch with the police and we do whatever they ask for all these years and we just have a really good time," said SLO Bike Happening Founder Mark Grayson.

lights, and festive mood of a wonderland. And this wonderland, in addition to being an opportunity to experience some holiday cheer on these two wheeled human powered contraptions, it was an opportunity for the spectating public to have a sensous helping watching them go by.

This kind of ride could be alot of fun for the December Mass ride in Santa Monica (smile). Perhaps could end up at some place in downtown Santa Monica for some Hot Apple Cider, Egg Nogg, and other delicious things.

Bike Happening: Hundreds of crazed cyclists cruise Farmer's Market streets
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Reported by: Stacy Daniel

If you've been to the San Luis Obispo Farmer's Market you may have noticed an eccentric group of bicyclists cruising around town.

Have you ever wondered what they are doing or where they are going?

Those riders are people taking part in what is called a Bike Happening.

And it happens here the first Thursday of every month.
We caught up with some of the riders to see what it is all about.

What may appear to be a crowd of crazed, out of control cyclists is actually an organized group of law abiding bike enthusiasts.

They are all part of the San Luis Obispo Bike Happening.

It started in June of 2000, as a small group of friends going out for a fun bike ride through downtown San Luis Obispo.

Seven years later, organizers said it is still just a group of friends riding their bikes through downtown. It is just that the number of friends along for the ride has more than doubled.

Anywhere from 300 to 600 people show up to be part of the Bike Happening.

Every month they have a theme. This month's is orange.

Riders are encouraged to dress up, the crazier the costume the better.

Riders want people to know, it is more of a party than a protest.

"We're not a protest, we're a seduction. We want you to have some fun and come and join us. We obey the laws and we stay in close touch with the police and we do whatever they ask for all these years and we just have a really good time," said SLO Bike Happening Founder Mark Grayson.

The happening is not an organized event, it is just people getting together the first Thursday of the month to go for a ride.

If you can't find a bike or don't have one, one will be provided for you.

Organizers hope that by showing people that riding is fun, more people will leave their cars behind and hop on a bike.

Sharing The Road

SLO has put their "Share The Road" public awareness videos on Youtube.

In this first one, it was video taped back in February and March 2007. It has several clips from their, then new, first "Bicycle Blvd" in San Luis Obispo, CA.

These other two are interesting examples of politeness that I have experienced by both cyclists and motorists in SLO.

In this video, the cyclists is the then current director of the SLO Bicycle Coalition.

This video shows how cyclists riding two abreast provide room to a passing motorist. In the video it show the cyclist having a rear view mirror. It might be interesting if cars came with a horn variation which makes the sound of a bicycle bell, which can be more pleasent (less jarring for cyclists), to indicate that they are behind and are wanting to pass.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Why Critical Mass?

Why ride in critical mass? Why indeed.
(WARNING! this video is of mature gaphic nature. Showing the remains of a man run over by a truck)

Video description:
in this video you can see blood and flesh splattered down the asphalt of a man that was run over by a truck. In the end you can see the truck had virtually severed him in two, leaving his body mangled with guts, a yellowish red jello like substance, oozing out along the wheel of the truck.

In the video below, another form of critical mass, a celebratory wedding procession idriving down the street. A frustrated motorist, not part of the procession, tries to over take them. And this ends in that car ramming another car with her car. Can you imagine what would happen if the car she hit was a person riding a bicycle? Or maaybe even the car was a mother or father riding a bicycle with two of their kids in a bicycle trailer?

Recommended Links:
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Council Ponders 'Mass Ride

On November 13, 2007, several dozen bicyclists attended and spoke to the Santa Monica City council, under agenda item "14". That agenda item allows council to hear public comment on things that are not on the agenda (see: 11/13/2007 agenda). The city council can not act on act on any issues presented that are not officially part of the agenda for the meeting. However, they are allows, individually to ask questions of those making comment, are able to direct staff to provide more information on various things spoken of. And the item may later be be included on the council meeting agenda for possible council action.

This is an audio excerpt from the Santa Monica City Council meeting (November 13, 2007). It is 72 minutes long. In includes public comment from 31 people and comments from the city council members, mayor, and city attorney, regarding the Santa Monica Police handling of critical mass bicycle ride participants, such as ticketing for riding more than two abreast, not having head or tail lights, leaving the bike lane to pass a vehicle, running red lights, and other vehicle code or traffic infractions.

LISTEN NOW (Santa Monica City Council meeting 11/13/2007 - excerpt)

(72 Minutes, 16mb, MP3 - DOWNLOAD)

or you can watch a video excerpt of the the critical mass speakers below:

Here are the names of the people that spoke on this issue(in order - not sure of spelling):
  1. Michael.Car
  2. Box.Wexler
  3. Jay.Marvin.Campbell
  4. Jerry.Rubin
  5. Natasha.Vackshori
  6. Ryan.Mallory
  7. Alex.Contrero
  8. Caro.Mendez
  9. Hanako.Moondance
  10. Cadina.Sadilla
  11. Alex.Thomson
  12. Roger.Swanson
  13. Richie.Thomison
  14. Gern.Shobridge
  15. Russel.Buchanan
  16. Susan.Hartley
  17. Michael.Gardial
  18. Jack.Ford
  19. Jackie.Martin.Creole
  20. Mark.Peterson
  21. Kyle.Hurdler
  22. Jennifer.Armstrong
  23. Austin.Draper
  24. David.Feurur
  25. Steven.Burtz
  26. Philip.Wild
  27. Elizabeth.Hunter
  28. Paul.Rongetto
  29. John.Corbin
  30. Gregory.Vogel
  31. Enci
  32. Steven.Vox
  33. Colin.Bogart
  34. Josh.Liekall
  35. David.Bogell

Council members and staff that spoke on this issue:
  1. Richard.Bloom (Mayor/council member)
  2. Marsha Jones Moutrie (City Attorney)
  3. Kevin McKeown (council member)
  4. Ken.Genser (council member)
  5. Bob.Holbrook (council member)
  6. Herb.Katz (Mayor Pro Tempore/council member)
[Santa Monica City Council members directory (includes email addresses contact other info)]

the spelling on some of the names of the speakers is unclear. If you know the correct spelling, you may post the corrections in the comments or email them directly to me.

For more background on this topic see
  1. "Riders Of the Storm - Increased Police action at Critical Mass has bicyclists crying foul"(Nov.9,2007-SMDP-PDF),
  2. "Peace On Wheels - Cops and cyclists try to coexist"Aug.3,2007 ( CSM! or SMDP-PDF)
  3. "Ride Or Die - Locals Reaching 'critical mass' in opposition to popular monthly bike ride"(Feb.2,2007-SMDP-PDF)
  4. "Cyclist Reach A Critical Mass"(Jul.7,2005-SMDP-PDF)
  5. "Santa Monica Bicycle Workshop"(Feb.2, 2005-Ken Edwards Center)(audio-45 minutes)
  6. "Planned nude cycling event foiled by police"(Jun.14,2004-SMDP-PDF)
  7. "Car-Free Venice/Santa-Monica monthly ride/skate"
  8. "Green Wheel'n Peace Feel'n ride/skate - September 7, 2002"(Santa Monica, CA)
If you have more info on this, post in the comments or email direcly to me. Thanks!

Related Posts:
- Santa Monica Bicycle Workshop(community meeting 2/2005)
- Friday Nite Skates (Santa Monica, CA)(video link)

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum

Friday, November 16, 2007

Gravity Plane

Hunt Aviation promotional video on a passenger/cargo plane that uses physics and alternative energy for flight. It is also referred to as a "fuel less" aircraft.
See solar airplane on youtube at:

For those interested in further discussion on "Air Powered Vehicles" visit:

It uses bouancy from helium and aerodynamic lift to rise. And it uses aerodynamics and bouancy to move forward, through and up and downward motion through the sky, like a submarine, whales and dolphins. Thus it requires very little energy. And what energy it does need it derives from wind turbine air compressors, solar photovoltaic electricity collectors. And it stores energy in high pressure air storage tanks and batteries.

Recommended links:
- Air Powered Vehicles community forum

Monday, November 12, 2007

Kickbike Mass

This is like a kind of critical mass for kickbike riders spotted in (Barcelona, Spain?).

Recommended Links:
- Santa-Monica/West-L.A./Venice critical mass community forum


"Velocabs" spotted in Sacramento ("Old Sac"), California. They are ones like seen in europe (see: ). These three weeled vehicles also have electric assist hub motors. See the fron wheels.

A creative movie about a girl, her cell phone, and a ride on a velocab. An E-velocab.

VelcoTaxi in Germany promo video. Brings new meaning to the idea of "door to door" taxi service.

This is the Trixi Bici Velocab used in Spain, in particular Madrid and Barcelona. See promo video below.

Trixi Velocabs seen on a Japanese TV show:

Related Posts:
- Electric Hybrid Bike Trike video
- Kyoto Trike video
- Wike Wicycle (folding e-car) video
- KMX powered By BionX video
- Solar Electric Trike video
- ebike E-Trike on Snow video clip
- AltCar Expo caravan video
- Electric Trike video
- E-Trike with Cyclone kit video
- Solar Trikes video
- Trike Taxi video
- TWike Extender video
- TWike Tours video
- America's Wheels

1924 Flivver Trike

(click on image to enlarge.)

In the October 1924 issue of Modern Mechanix, there is an article about a three wheel "automobile" that looks like a three wheeled recumbent bicycle/velomobile. This one is made in Germany and has a small motor which burns very little fuel. I suppose this could also be designed to run on electric hub motors powered by electricity stored in Lithium Magnesium battery packs.

This is what the article says:
Three-Wheeled Auto Makes Speed with Low Fuel Cost - Resembling a tiny model, a three-wheeled automobile design in Germany has a closed top and doors like bigger cars. Although the vehicle does not sonsume much fuel, it is said to attain a speed of ten miles an hour on good roads. Its size enables it to be operated where more cumbersome machines might find difficult traveling. It is claimed that, owing to the small size of the car, the government places not tax on it and permits its use without a driver's licens. - Three-Wheeled "Flivver" That Burns Little Fuel and Can Easily Operate in Crowded Streets.

Related Posts:
- Electric Hybrid Bike Trike video
- Kyoto Trike video
- Wike Wicycle (folding e-car) video
- KMX powered By BionX video
- Solar Electric Trike video
- ebike E-Trike on Snow video clip
- AltCar Expo caravan video
- Electric Trike video
- E-Trike with Cyclone kit video
- Solar Trikes video
- Trike Taxi video
- TWike Extender video
- TWike Tours video
- America's Wheels

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Air Powered LA

(click on image to enlarge)

The January 1932 issue of Modern Mechanix had an article and pictures of a car powered by compressed air that was being driven around the streets of Los Angeles.

I wonder if this car exists anymore. And what more info is available on it. If anyone has more info on it, please send to me. Thanks

Below is an scale model of a similar design air powered rotory(rotary) engine. note the balanced operation. The motor can also be mouned in line with the wheels, allowing for the elimination of drive train parts and connections.

Recommended Links:
- Air Powered Vehicles community forum

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Hub Motor Repair

This is an informative video on how to safely remove the cover plate on an electric hub motor, what tools you will need, and tips and tricks to do the job.

Next step would be to have a video which shows people how to do the connector wire repair and troubleshooting, and putting the cover back on, and properly screw/attach everything back together.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Electric Planes

Imagine flying electric planes out of Santa Monica airport. And imagine electric planes lying in the sky about Santa Monica and the Westside.. see videos of these invations in flying humans by electricity. see:

BionX Humanoid

Humanoid Android with BionX appendages/Limbs. Look Out Bionic Woman! We are stronger and faster than you!

video description:
My KMX-BionX Electric Trike. Just a quick and dirty job I did with some media I have from my KMX-BionX conversion. And as you will see, there's even room for more to come later .....

Trailer for new Bionic Woman tv series.

Six Million Dollar Man Intro. "We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man... better, stronger, faster."

Related Posts:
- BionX... A Dominent Player

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

Fastest Ebike

The videographer says this ebike can go 60 miles per hour.

Video Description:
An E-bike we built in 2 weeks. Top speed is 60 MPH. The acceleration is unmatched. I am often challenged by cars for a race and never been beat. 15 horsepower max Briggs and Stratton motor running at 48V. In this video we compare it to a performance moped. We can not use it to its full potential, for risks of another broken chain. We have been through 5 chains, and 2 derailleurs.

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

Ebike Awareness

There have been several Ebike (electric assist bicycle) awareness ride/tours over the last year or so. Here is another one that took place from Calgary to Baniff. The mission was to ride 130 kilometers in 3 hours. That is about 47 kilometers an hour for 3 hours, including up hills.

There have been other awareness building rides. Another example was an ebike commuter tour in Australia by "Sustainable Transport". Here is a video they put up on Youtube that illustrates the advantages of riding an electric assist bicycle over a car, whether gas, hybrid or full electric EV. They take up less space, faster parking, and can take advantage of more short cuts which a car can not do.

And I am sure we will continue to see more and more. And we will see new affinity clubs/groups sprout in various places around North America, Canada, and USA, in which ebike enthusiasts will meet, share tips and knowledge with each, and have some fun rides and other fun activities together.

If you know of any past or future ebike tours/rides/clubs, post what you know in the comments so we all can know. Include links if you have them. Thanks.

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum

Ebike Building

Instructions on how to build an electric bicycle in Spanish.

Video Description:
Convierte tu mountainbike en una bicicleta electrica. Kit de conversion para bicicletas mountainbike. Convierte tu bicicleta en un vehiculo economico, silencioso , rápido y limpio (CERO EMISION!).

How to install a controller that can drive two electric hub motors siumltaneously.

Video Description:
Dual Motors controller
This is a dual motors controller. It allow single controller to control two motors at the same time. This setup will be use on a special custom build quad bike project. It will be use during Burning Man event in 2007. Updated video of the final project will be publish later on.

Bionx Dominates

It seems that Bionx electric assist power drive systems for bicycles are becoming a major player in North America. More bicycle builders are using Bionx power systems for their bicycles. I believe some of the attraction to the Bionx system includes high quality, being made in North America, silent operation, and the possiblity of access to parts without having to transport from overseas. And the momentum for Bionx continues to build as more bicycles have these systems installed. These two video illustrate some of these points.

BionX engineer talking about the Bionx Battery pack(informative!)

BionX batery connector

BionX electric hub motor assist drive system installed on a Go-One velomobile. The hub motor is in the rear wheel hub and the battery back and controller are in the black bag on the rear rack above the rear wheel.

Bionx kit installed on a Go-One velomobile.

I am looking for video tutorials on changing BionX codes for performance modification and tweaking. If you got some, send me the info.

Build Ebike

This reminds of "Old Yankee Workshop", except the project for this host is how to build an electric bicycle out of an old beach cruiser. Anyone seen the whole DVD and want to offer some reviews for the rest of us? Thanks. (smile)

Related Posts:
- Ebike Conversion

Recommended Links:
- Cycle Santa Monica! community forum
- Power-Assist community forum

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sting Police

Sting and the other members of the band Police were spotted riding bicycles for a promo event, in France. The bikes appears to be part of the new mass bicycle program spreading through Paris and other cities in France.

Video description:
We spotted the legendary band having fun while trying the brand new Velib' in Paris.
Vélib’ is a public bicycle rental programme in Paris, 20 000 bicycles are available for rental from 1,450 automated stations distributed across Paris.
France inducted The Police, Sting, Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers, into the Order of Arts and Letters today. The French culture ministry announced that the members of The Police are from now on knights of the Order of Arts and Letters...

Monday, November 05, 2007

Skating Tyson

Tyson, the skateboarding dog was spotted on the 3rd street promenade.

Hey, what happens if Tyson skates on the promenade? Do the police issue him a warning "hey buddy, you can't skate on the promenade, otherwise we gonna have to take you to the doghouse" (wink)(smile)

Tilting Bicycle

This is a video of a tilting bicycle/tricycle.

Video description:
Shows a short test of a new leaning (tilting) bicycle construction - collaboration for further development sought.

It may be interesting to add two hub electric motors to both front wheels.

Solar Bicycle

This video shows a chopper bicycle with a solar panel installed in the front. Ihe chopper is using an electric hub motor, super capaciters, and the solar panel for the power drive system. It appears that the bike is running only of electricity collect from the sun.

This video is labeled as a "solar bicycle". It was designed by engineering students at a University. It appears to have a few solar panels embedded in the top of it's skin.

Video description:
Come ride along on my helmet aboard a solarized P-38 recumbent bike.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

TWike Extender

This is a range extender for a TWike, and electric hybrid bicycle/car.

video description:
A crew, around an member of the TWIKE core team, will drive trought the australian outback with a TWIKE. They will be participants of the Greenfleet category at the World Solar Challenge. For more Information visit
To realize that, they need an Range Extender.

Related Posts:
- TWike, "Coolest Bike in the World"
- TWike Tours
- TWike Tours 2

Unicycling Lincoln

The other day I saw a few guys unicycling on Lincoln blvd. Be on the look out for the unicyclists on Lincoln Blvd, in Santa Monica, Venice, Marina Del Rey, Play Del Rey, and Westchester. And, if you can, get us some pictures and video clips these guys doing their one wheelin.

In this video, some guys unicycling in busy New York City traffic(NYC). Hey, what are the rules for riding a unicycle on the street, or even in the bike lane?

Video description:
Rider: Adam Cohen ( - US DVD sales)
Music: Ian James (
Unicycling Videographer: Brian MacKenzie
Video Footage as seen in DVD: Inner Balance
Balance Productions(
Video Equipment: Glidecam Industries (

Brian MacKenzie is an independent film maker seeking major corporate sponsorship for his next movie, a 90 minute high definition documentary featuring the 800km unicycle race up the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada - Summer 2008 called Ride The Lobster ( (

Adam is teaching Dr. Perry Gerard of ( a comprehensive course in the art of unicycling and Dr Gerard highlights the positive health effects of unicycling. is the site of Creative Medical teaching and patient education.


"NO CYCLING - Extreme unicycling"

"Unicycle Insanity"

"Unicycle Dancing" Amazing!

Freeway Pedestrian

Perhaps this video could be described as "hybrid pedestrians on the freeway"

I suppose this is possible due to the sand on the freeway surface which allows for a kind of skating experience.

Film makers description:
"Saudi Road Skating". Freeway Skating in the Sandbox. Young Saudi men take roller blading on to the freeway for maximum thrills.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Wike Wicycle

This video is of what appears to be a micro electric car, dubbed the "Wike" or "Wicycle"(see ). It appears that they created this from the body/frame of a bicycle trailer. Kind of interesting concept. It appears to be powered by two electric hub motors mounted in the rear wheels.

What makes this even more interesting, is that you could actually tow this micro car with a bicycle. Hmmm.....

It also looks like the Moonbeam micro car

Video description:
A very small electric vehicle built by WIKE (makers of bicycle trailers). I am not sure if this is the "Electric Sun" model as profiled on the "Weird Wheels" TV program, but it certainly looks like it.

Jet packs

In these two videos you see a jet pack(wiki) used for personal transport.

Apparently, this jet pack is powered by a stream of high velocity air resulting from the combination of two substances (hydrogen peroxide and another substance).

It seems that this means of energy storage could be applied with far greater efficiency for transportation in things such as a velomobile as a power assist. Or it may be suitable as a power assist for a moped as power assist.


Recommended Links:
- Air Powered Vehicles community forum